Adriane Niepel

Founder NinjaAdventures

The course is great for beginners, even if you have not yet dealt with the topic of gamification. Especially then you get a great overview in small bites. Roman Rackwitz explains it as usual simply and understandable for everyone. I also liked the definition, which is less theoretical and more "real life" oriented, as well as his examples. Through his hints when gamification is also unsuitable, you realize that he doesn't glorify it at all costs, which I also always find really important and reassuring. I also liked the simple presentation with the superimposed keywords. I find the downloads helpful to get into an initial plot in your own context.


    1. Using the Gamification 101 Course

    2. Feedback

    1. Why Gamification

    2. What is Gamification

    3. When do you use gamification? (And when not)

    4. Gamification basics

    5. Next steps

  • kostenlos

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Ihr Begleiter im Kurs

Ihr Dozent Roman Rackwitz

Roman zählt zu den dienstältesten Gamificationdesignern im deutschsprachigen Raum. Bereits 2013 wurde er von Rise.Global zu den Top-10 Gamificationexperten der Welt gezählt. Einen Namen machte er sich bereits früh durch die transparente Aufklärung rund um das Thema. Außerdem gehört er zu den wenigen in der Branche, die sich neben der expliziten Gamification auch mit der impliziten Gamification beschäftigen. Diese doziert er seit 2012 als Honorardozent an Hochschulen in Deutschland & Schweiz.